Climate change challenges us in a way that nothing has before. In this series of podcasts from Olivier Mythodrama, corporate leaders, community activists, social entrepreneurs, educators, politicians and others, explore the leadership that is required to meet the call of our time.
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Paul Dickinson - CDP
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
In our third podcast, we talk to Paul Dickinson, founder of the CDP formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure project.
The episode begins by discussing where we are with Climate change and whether it’s too late to act. Is there genuinely a time limit to work towards and if so, how do we progress with a sense of urgency, while at the same time, allowing us space to innovate.
Robin asks who holds the power to make a difference and the significance of the corporation as a political unit.
While it’s undeniable that there are organisations with more resource than many countries, are there still limits on what they can do based on their position within different industries? How do these organisations find a way to do things ethically, when profit has always been the primary objective.
Is there such thing as shareholder activism and how could this have a significant effect on deliverables for these corporates?
They examine leadership and present examples of great leaders within existing organisations while questioning how people can be brave in different industries.
They ask how leaders act when they come up against companies and individuals holding back from doing the right thing for the sake of convenience and profit.
Robin and Paul discuss the role of marketing and present examples of where companies have been clever with developing business cases that work for consumers and the planet.
Leadership is a key theme throughout, with a focus on inspiration and moving people to change their habits to be conscious of the environment. How do leaders motivate society to revolutionize global thought and discussion? And why the younger generation is vital in this movement, drawing inspiration from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg.
Let’s hand over to Robin and Paul
Thursday May 23, 2019
Dr Gail Bradbrook - Extinction Rebellion
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
In our second podcast, Senior Associate Robin Alfred talks to co-founder of the socio-political movement, Extinction Rebellion - Dr Gail Bradbrook.
The episode explores leadership in a time of environmental crisis and with an intense need for social change. We move away from the boardroom and explore the ways in which to build a network committed to campaign and reform.
Gail discusses attributes needed as a woman leader, building a system and working community.
They discuss how simply propagating solutions, is not enough to resolve a corrupt economic system and what’s needed to bring about change within a failing structure.
Change is a big topic throughout the episode, where Robin and Gail discuss the process for instigating a forceful uprising through systemic engagement.
They discuss Extinction Rebellion’s role in leading social change and how the demand for revolution, lies with the people.
Important leadership topics include the importance of defining your organisation or network’s vision and purpose, and what needs to be done to get people to follow you.
Plus, what needs to be sacrificed and identifying and dealing with sacrifices you will have to make as an advocate to your principles.
How can we face the possibility of human extinction in our children’s lifetime?
Is it possible to be hopeful within the face of ecological collapse?
Let’s hear from Robin and Gail.
Friday May 10, 2019
Andrew White - Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
In our first podcast, Robin interviews Andrew White, Associate Dean for Executive Education at Oxford Said Business School. Andrew acts as a consultant to a number of global organisations and has co-authored a review of how information technology will create intelligent infrastructure systems over the next few decades for the UK Government's Department of Trade and Industry.
Our first podcast explores many aspects of the climate change debate and how it will affect industry around the world. Robin and Andrew discuss the economics of sustainable technologies and different business climate change initiatives.
They explore the characteristics of leadership within organisations who are future proofing against climate change and ask how companies can help vision the future of sustainability.
Other topics include how leaders can be brave and help define their organisation’s purpose by developing systems for the future and bringing people together for action.
- Is knowledge of climate change enough?
- Are leaders moving fast enough?
- Where does the catalyst start?
Find out more at oliviermythodrama.com